This allows for the development of a planned procurement strategy with the certainty of operating cash flows. The Yogapriya Agencies Regular Payment Plan allows you to make even quarterly payments in advance with the added flexibility of using the Yogapriya Agencies Exchange Plan. A typical Regular Payment Plan means the quarterly installments are fixed at one amount for the duration of the rental schedule.
Stepped Payment Plans
This allows for an earlier technology turnaround time with decreasing installments. The Yogapriya Agencies Stepped Payment Plan allows your company to pay a premium at the start of the Exchange Plan schedule but the quarterly installments will decrease dramatically each year.
A typical three-year Yogapriya Agencies Stepped Payment Plan is based on a 45:33:22 ratio. With stepped payments your “available spend” is increased earlier in the term, meaning you can replace more of your equipment even sooner.
Step Up:
Ideal for growing businesses or divisions: Your initial payment is smaller and instalment amounts are increased as your contract term progresses.
Step Down:
Ideal for cash injected businesses or divisions: Your initial payment is bigger and instalment amounts are decreased as your contract term progresses.
Payment Holidays
Ideal for forecasted cash dry periods: You can elect not to pay instalments in certain quarters by extending your contract period or building that instalment into other payments.
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